1. Get an idea. All of the following steps will base on your idea. Make sure it doesn't break any rule or else you might get disqualified. You can search for it if you don't have any idea. 2. Form a title. Usually titles are in a form of a question. This are examples. The question can start in how, does and many other. Does temperature affect the growth of molds?
Does salt affect the density of water?
3. Research your idea. You have to know your idea more. You can do this by reading, surfing the Internet or discussing it. Knowing your idea more will help you construct your work. 4. Form a hypothesis. Hypothesis will be your prediction in the idea that you choose. You don't need to research for this. You just have to guess. Make sure it is accurate and clear. 5. Plan your experiment. Your experiment will confirm your hypothesis. Make sure the experiment will answers or really confirms the hypothesis. 6. Plan your materials. You will need on your experiment. Make sure they are easy to buy and cheap. As much as possible, plan materials that is already in your house.
7. Test your experiment. Use the steps that you have planed. If all else fails try a different step or a different material. If you really want to win the science fair, this will be a big step for you.
8. Observe the result. Sometimes it is in a form of a graph but it depends on your work. You can write it in a journal so you can review it. 9. Have a conclusion. Now that you have confirmed your hypothesis, it's time to write a conclusion. You can answer the question in your title. You may also tell if your hypothesis is correct or not. Again, make sure it is accurate and clear.
Most of us have conducted an investigatory science project without even knowing it—or at least without knowing that's what it was called. Most science experiments performed, from elementary to high school students and all the way up to professional scientists, are investigatory projects.