Abhinav Kumar (2009TT10837)
Lokesh Varun (2009TT10797)
Course Coordinator:
Prof. Ambuj Sagar
Contents Introduction A Background of Agriculture in China: Challenges and Needs Recent Technical Advances in Agriculture and Their Benefits to China Bio Technology: New Seed Varieties Bt cotton Impacts Of Bt Cotton GM Rice Impacts Of insect resistant GM varieties Bio Fortification Folate bio fortification Technology In the Field Of Health In China Rear View of Health Care in China Ancient Health Care Practices and Their Effects Modern scientific techniques, methods, procedures and their benefits to China Biomedical Sciences The Heath System after Liberation Maternity and Child care Major hurdles on the path Summary and conclusions Table 1 REFERENCES End Notes
Since many years there has been much focus on the research and development in China as the country is leapfrogging to a new era of technologies. In this report we have considered mainly the health and the agricultural aspects of technology helping China in making a difference in human development standards of the country.
One of the most important fundamental commodities that are critical to man’s existence is food. In this regard, a country’s agricultural backbone is vital to sustain the way of life for its citizens. Without a sound food and agricultural support system, the country’s continual development in all other areas including economic, cultural, social and industrial aspects will simply move forward at a very slow rate or even not at all.
Food production and agriculture is given more meaning and importance in China
References: In: Den X. Selected works of Deng Xiaoping, vol 3. Beijing: People’s Press, 1993: 274–76. Beijing: People’s Press, 2006: 425–39. sts.org.cn/sjkl/kjtjdt/data2002/2002-2.htm (accessed July 23, 2008). medium- and long-term program for science and technology development (2006–2020) jrzg/2006-02/09/content_183787.htm (accessed July 23, 2008) . 53rd Eastern Forum of Science and Technology. 2004. http://www.efst. sh.cn/showMeet.do?id=145 (accessed July 23, 2008) . 13 Anderson, Kym, Shunli Yao. 2003. China, GMOs and world trade in agricultural and textile products, Pacific Economci Review, Vol.8 . No.2 [June 2003]: 157-169. 14 Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN; 2001) 17 Peng, Yufa. 2002. "Strategic approaches to biosafety studies in China. Paper presented at the 7th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms, Beijing, China, October 10-16, 2002. 18 MOST [Ministry of Science and Technology]. 2000. Biotechnology development outline. Pre-production trials in China, 2002-2003. Source: Huang et al., 2005a.