The Reaction of Various Metals with Ionic Salts
Purpose: To examine the reaction of various metals with ionic salts
Materials: * 4 test tubes * test tube racks * 10mL measuring cylinder * 4 metals (in containers)- Zn, Sn, Mg, Fe * copper (II) sulphate solution
Safety: 1. Be careful with copper (II) sulphate solution it is poisonous and corrosive. handle with care 2. Do NOT BREATH in any gases produced 3. If you touch any of the metals, you MUST wash your hands at the end of the lab
Procedure: 1. Collect the materials and put on safety equipment. 2. Observe the metals and record your observations. 3. Into separate test tubes, place each metal inside. Label accordingly to metal. 4. Measure 5mL of the copper (II) sulphate using the cylinder. 5. Add to the test tubes on at a time and observe. After 5 minutes, repeat your observations. 6. Dispose chemicals in appropriate waste bin/bucket. 7. Wash all used equipment and put away. 8. Wash your hands and return safety equipment.
Observations: Refer to the back of pre-lab
Discussion: 1. Formula for Zinc’s reaction: Zn + CuSO4 ZnSO4 + Cu
Formula for Tin’s reaction: Sn + CuSO4 SnSO4 + Cu
Formula for Magnesium’s reaction: Mg + CuSO4 MgSO4 + Cu
Formula for Iron’s reaction: Fe + CuSO4 FeSO4 + Cu 2. For Zinc, during the chemical reaction it was decaying and turning into a different colour. My observations concluded to having the metal to completely decay. While it was decaying the metal was clumped together in a maroon colour.
For Tin’s reactions, my observations concluded to an opaque solution while exothermic was occurring as well as the metal was decaying a bit.
For Magnesium, during the chemical reaction it was dissolving, sizzling, a change in colour and exothermic. My observations concluded to the same thing during the reaction although the metal has