What our forefathers, half a century ago, could not even dream of, we have that at our beck and call. Electricity is a wonder and what it is doing would have appeared to be a fairy tale for our forefathers.
A button is pressed, the room gets flooded with light; the fan moves, the A.C. cools or warms the room, water is boiled or cooled even is frozen, eatables can be preserved for days.
Human suffering has greatly been eliminated. Science has investigated into diseases and found startling cures for them. Artificial limbs can be fitted the disabled bodies, even kidneys and heart are being transplanted. Painless operations are being performed.
Machinery has eliminated human labour and made life more mechanical and less arduous. Means of communication — The Fax, The E-mail, The cordless telephones are really wonderful means given to us by Science. The atomic energy if put to use for peaceful purposes can work wonders.
We have begun to feel that life without the modern scientific gadgets is impossible.
True, that all this has happened and we feel beholden to science and the scientists. But there is the other side of the picture too.
Man has become a slave to the machines. Human labour has been minimised but that has led to a more luxurious living and less of physical activity. Mankind has begun suffering from such ailments which our hardworking forefathers never knew of.
More and more use of machines has led to large scale unemployment. The pesticides and germicides used in saving the crops are sending out such alarming signals as demolishing and dismantling the ozone layer which was protecting the earth from the evil effects of the sun rays. The world is getting exposed to the situation of great alarm and danger.
The atomic energy is being used for destructive purposes and the nuclear