Practical Report Grading Name: Emily Parker GRADE | A | B | C | D | E | PART A & B AIMS(*) | Formulation of questions explicitly linked to science knowledge | Formulation of questions informed by science knowledge | Formulation of questions that can be investigated scientifically | Statements of questions | Safe, directed use of equipment in given investigations | PART B METHOD(*) | Concise description of methods designed to control and accurately measure variables and systematically collect data, | Description of methods designed to control and accurately measure variables and systematically collect data, | Description of methods designed to control and measure variables and collect data, | Description of methods used to collect data in given investigations | | PART A , B & SURVEYANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (***) | Comprehensive analysis of trends in data to explain relationships between variables and to develop justified conclusions | Significant analysis of trends in data to describe relationships between variables and to develop supported conclusions | Analysis of trends in data to identify relationships between variables and to develop conclusions | Description of trends in data and statements of conclusions | Listing of data and superficial statements of conclusions | COMMENT
The purpose of this experiment is to use dynamic trolleys and plasticine dummies to model the effect inertia has on the impact of a car accident.
TROLLEY A DUMMY | The dummy in trolley A was propelled forward when it collided with trolley B. | TROLLEY B DUMMY | When trolley A hit trolley B the dummy in trolley B was jolted backward when the trolley stopped all of the sudden. |
DISCUSSION QUESTION ANSWERS: 1. What happens to the dummy on trolley A during the collision? Explain why this happened.
The dummy in trolley A slid forward