Science is bane for world. Because science and technology has not only grabbed us. It has also grabbed the living creature like animals, insects, bees etc. The vibration produced by mobile phone can also kill the bees. Some years after end of honey bee is certain whole human life will also finish. Animals get problems in taking breathe due to harmful gases being produced from industries and factories depend on science and technology. So the science and technology has destroyed the whole environment. From all these comments we can say that although science and technology has great advantage but all are small near its disadvantage. So by seeing its disadvantage we should use it only in necessity, not always which can easily be done by us.
Science according to me is definitely a boon.
One argument people use to against this is that Science is a threat to human life in many ways which I completely agree but I would say take me to the stone age and I would show how people can kill with stones and sticks. This more of a philosophical topic.
Science does have its advantages and disadvantages but if we weigh them the advantages are clearly more.
Take dynamite for example it was one of the most useful things ever invented but it was also a deadly weapon in bad hands but clearly the amount people profited was tremendously greater than the incidents which killed people (which are of course bad).
So this is completely dependent on the owner of that piece of science and how they use.
Above was one part about individual use.
Now if we take the whole world combined everyone is contributing to pollution let it be vehicles or sprays or plastic etc any other harmful substance. These should be taken care of or it is threating to coming generations to come (already affecting this gen).
My conclusion science definitely wins and but it should be used in rightful manner and efficiently without harming individuals or nature.