Flatting Condition of International Students in New Zealand
Due date – 23/07/2014
Submitted To: Submitted By:
Victoria Carpenter Gurinderjeet Kaur Yogita Kaur Satnam Kaur Nag
Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………………………………………….3
Research Statement………………………………………….…......3
Literature Review……………………………………………………..4
Legal/Ethical Issues…………………………………………………..5
Research Methodology……………………………………………….5
Primary research………………………………………………………6
Secondary research…………………………………………………..6
Qualitative Data..………………………………………………………7
Technologies Used…………………………………………………….8
Executive summary
Nowadays most of the students are coming from other countries for studying in New Zealand (Auckland) for getting international education; However, when they come in new country they have to face many conditions in their life; such as, housing, transportation and also new environment. Furthermore, we have chosen this topic because we have seen many international students they are get worried about their accommodation and also transportation because they are new here and also they do not have idea. Apart from, we want know about the information regarding their housing conditions. When we will research on our topic then we would talk to students and get the correct information about our topic then we come to know how’s the life here of students in Auckland NZIE at Takapuna and also Auckland central city.
Research statement
The research based on the flatting condition of
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