Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) suggested that the sun was at the center of the universe and that the earth and planets revolved around it in circular orbits.
(AP European History) Before this many thought that the earth was not moving. Many did not agree with his idea because that meant that he was going against the Bible. It also eliminated distinctions between the earth and the heavens. (“AP European History”) To go against religion would mean death or to be outcaste from the rest of the village. The Copernican theory was largely ignored until the findings of Galileo and Kepler were published. His epochal book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the Scientific Revolution.
Kepler was the first astronomer to use physics and mathematics to prove Copernican theory. Keplers three new laws predicting the movements of the planets which where based on mathematics. While Galileo use a telescope to help make observations to prove Copernican theory. The scientific revolution has also been characterized as the period of the “mathematization of the world picture.” information and mathematical analysis were used to offer more reliable information. Experimenting brought about wanting to increase ones knowledge and implement it. Because of all this learning it lead to the opening of educational establishments.
In today’s society in schools student do science projects to further prove people like Galileo and Kepler were right. Experimenting helped with the creation of new items to make life much easier. But, if someone was trying to prove the bible wrong there would be a big controversy. Florida's Board of Education approved a new set of science standards to be taught in public schools that mandate, teaching the `scientific theory of evolution.' (Miami Herald, Marc Caputo) Scientific revolution has bought many debates with having also bringing in religion.
Without these scientists our learning system would be almost nothing. One could only imagine what it would be like in the school systems. It would be as though we were living in the primitive age and still thinking the earth did not move. All these scientist help paved the way for many discoveries old and new.
Caputo, Marc. “Florida schools to teach evolution as 'scientific theory'”. Miami Herald.
Link, Jere Ph.D. “AP European History 9th Edition”. Research and Education Association, 2007.
“Hatch, Robert A.”. The Scientific Revolution Definition-Concept-History. Rempel Gerhard. The Scientific Revolution. Western New England College.