A former Church of Scientology member has filed a case alleging the church had forced her to work long hours when she was younger and have abortion at 17.…
Cults are classified by sociologists as a small group of members whose beliefs “were deviant from the perspective of religious and secular orthodoxy” (Campbell). Particular practices occur such as “unquestioning devotion to leader…leadership dictates life…encouragement of isolation/secularism” (csj.org). The practice of isolationism is particularly important because the compound it upheld the beliefs that “contact with the modern world was harmful for those who believed…” (wacohistory.org) and so the group became self-sustaining. This significantly affected the groups lifestyle since they had to provide for their own medical care, education, and…
According to Leah Remini, not only does the Church of Scientology teach that L. Ron Hubbard voluntarily left his body to go on some sort of wacky celestial voyage, but the organization also promises its followers that their leader will one day return from his trip around the stars and resume his role as their overlord.…
A reporter in the story asks the institute agent “wasn’t it Scatter Olson who was locked up for life years ago? Didn’t he influence his followers to commit armed robbery and ritual murder?” I find it scary that another being can somehow manipulate others to believe whatever he says and do whatever he wants. I would hate to think what it would be like to not be in control of my own thoughts and actions. At one point in the book a previous cult member says “Scatters says he’s taking his followers into the sky with him tomorrow” meaning they are all going to die together.…
Robinson, B.A., and Al Buttnor. "About the Church of Scientology® Its symbols, history, belief and practices." The home page of the ReligiousTolerance.org web site. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <http://religioustolerance.org/scientol1.htm>…
Cult of personality means intense devotion to a particular person. This arise when an individual creates heroic, at times worship images, to idealized an idea or person.…
How do scholars proceed with reconstructing the conversational exchange between Paul and the churches in Corinth? What is the role of Chloe’s people? How do letters play a part? How do we know (what is the evidence for these letters and their…
The media has had a huge hand in making cults seem completely and irrevocably evil; whether it’s slasher film, or rumors of a group of people breaking off from a mainstream religion because they don’t agree with it, so they change some of the aspects to suit what they believe. Sound familiar? It should because this is what has happened throughout history, such as Christianity breaking off from Judaism. Every religion at some point started off as a cult or fringe religion. It just depends on the retention (attendance) rate.…
Santeria is an old world religion that is derived from Africa but began growing in places like Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil when African slaves were transported there during colonization. In class I was introduced to Ana, my partner, who had a close family friend named Warren. Warren is a social worker who lives in Palmdale and actively practices Santeria, and who was introduced to it by his grandmother. Warren actually didn’t practice Santeria until he became an adult, and kept having visions of his grandmother (who had practiced Santeria) that had passed away. According to Warren, his visions gave him the courage to seek others that practiced Santeria and eventually was initiated into the religion. When beginning the interview with Warren, he defensively made a point to state that Santeria was not voodoo or witchcraft. “Santeria is very pure,” he stated. “Many people don’t understand Santeria and think that making spells or prayers with candles is dark and don’t understand it. Yet, what are we taught on our first birthday? On our very first birthday we are taught that we light a candle and make a wish so it will come true.”…
The Children of God is a controversial religious sect within the Jesus Movement, which originated as a counterreformation to the hippie movement in the late 1960’s. It is also known as COG, the Family of Love, and today as the Family International. Led by David Berg, who later became “Moses David” or “Dad”, the apocalyptic movement emphasized witnessing to outsiders and claimed that bringing them salvation could only be accomplished through love. This fundamental idea grew into a wide variety of liberal sexual practices within the community through the preaching of Mo Letters, Berg’s widely distributed writings that used direct bible verses as evidentiary support. One such practice, which developed into a ministry within the Family by 1977, is known as Flirty Fishing, a method devised by Berg to proselytize through engaging in sexual activities with potential converts (exFamily, 2009). Although this sexual exchange had no formal request from the Family for monetary value, non- member participants were expected to “give thanks and appreciation”(exFamily, 2009). This practice, along with many other questionable sexual activities of the group, has been widely debated and taken to court several times under the accusation of prostitution. Although evidence shows support for some form of prostitution taking place, are participants “brainwashed” through the group’s teaching methods, or merely religious fanatics living out their spiritual teachings? This paper defends that the members involved have been “brainwashed” to believe they are setting the example for the life they have been taught will lead the world to salvation. This will be proven through in depth research of the Family’s sexual practices, Flirty Fishing in particular, their methods of promoting these sexual practices, and comparing such to the idea of what brainwashing entails.…
During the Korean War, Korean agents brainwashed American Prisoners of War and they admitted to waging germ warfare even though they had not. As a result of brainwashing, 21 U.S soldiers converted to communism and refused to return the the United States after the war ended. After months of isolation under complete control, a new personality was instilled in them.. Today many totalist cults, which are the more extreme and destructive type, use brainwashing. They purposely exploit their members vulnerability in order to gain complete control over them. These cults use deception to trick new recruits into joining the group and once the targets…
The answers to majority of the ultimate questions such as why are we here, in Atheism are free for the individual’s own interpretation as there is no exact answer (McGrath, Stewart, & Dennett, 2008). As well as converting to Atheism, a Catholic may enter the Church of Scientology. Classified as a cult, Scientology gives an individual a sense of purpose as well as providing a pathway for greater freedom and addressing the needs of the individual’s spirit (Church of Scientology International, 2012). The appeal of Scientology is generally spread amongst those who are struggling with their own personal identities as Scientology can offer an answer to every ultimate question. This can be seen in a quote given by L. Ron Hubbard, “Scientology has answers to these questions, good answers that are true, answers that work for you” (1956).…
How does the cult leader keep the people following and in extreme cases get them to do exactly what he wants them to? Once again, it goes back to selective, focused attention. A manipulative leader can keep the attention of the group focused on rewards and to decrease focus on what the group is actually doing and repercussions. During this method of selective, focused attention, the cult leader is conditioning the brain to focus on the rewards and ignore all other effects. However, it is still the person who is making the decisions as to what they do and do not…
Modern day religions have a very difficult time of attaining relevancy and legitimacy. They are often maligned and ignored by many people who are searching for spiritual comfort or enlightenment. Eastern religions or those with a monotheistic/Abrahamic background are favored while religions like the Church of Euthanasia, Epicureanism, and the Heaven’s Gate organization are dismissed and often labeled as cults. Possibly the most famous of these new followings is Scientology which, despite its massive following, is still maligned by much of the world. In order to completely understand this religion, however, we must examine its beliefs, practices, and its colorful history.…
Ex-Scientologists say they had to “escape” the church, because just leaving the church is not as easy as just walking out. In most cases when you leave the church you are labeled a “Suppressive Person”. According to Scientology.org “A Suppressive Person (SP) is a person who seeks to suppress other people in their vicinity” and their reasoning behind labeling people as SP’s is to make sure other Scientologists know not to…