What is an organization?
Organization as two or more individuals who are interacting with each other within a deliberately structured set up and working in an interdependent way to achieve some common objective/s. Organizations play a major role in pur lives. We possibly cannot think of a single moment in our lives when we are not depending on rganizations in some form or the other. Right from the public transport that you use to come to your institute, the institutes itself, the class you are attending at this moment, are all examples of organizations.
What is Behavior?
It is the behavior of the people working in an organization to achieve common goals or objectives. Organization comprises of people with different attitudes, cultures, beliefs, norms and values.
So let us understand organizational behavior and what it exactly it means. “Organizational Behavior” cam be defined as the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. The study of Organizational Behavior facilitates the process of explaining, understanding) predicting, maintaining, and changing employee behavior in an organizational setting. The value of organizational behavior is that: it isolates important aspects of the manager’s job and offers specific perspective on the human side of management:
• People as organizations,
• People as resources,
• People as people
In other words, it involves the understanding, prediction and control of human behavior and factors affecting their performance and interaction among the organizational members. And because organizational behavior is concerned specifically with employment – related situations, you should not be surprised to find that it emphasizes behavior as related- to concerns such as jobs, work, absenteeism, employment turnover, productivity, human performance and management
Nature of Organizational Behavior (OB)
Organizational behavior