I. Internal Analysis A. Overall objectives 1. Provide superior quality 2. Benefit from the part of the market that was focusing more on health-related benefits.
B. Overall Strategy
1. Differentiation – offer a product that was different than the competitors
C. Target Market 1. Health conscious individuals 2. People who wanted their mouthwash to fight bad breath but also taste good. 3. People who shop in convenient places D. Product 1. Objective a. Be a breath refresher and be best tasting product available b. Provide superior quality than other mouthwash providers 2. Strategy a. Product differentiation 3. Tactic a. Have a different color – scope went with green b. Actual taste of product was supposed to be the best c. Packaging of the product E. Channel 1. Objective
a. Be convenient, available in everyday stores 2. Strategy a. Indirect strategy b. Make sure customers are aware of your product c. Have good availability - be in many outlets where customers will be able to purchase Scope scope d. Be in other countries 3. Tactic a. Scope uses intermediaries. Scope was provided to retailers and then the retailers would sell Scope to customers at their stores. They were available in places like supermarkets and drugstores.
D. Price 1. Objective a. Scope wants to gain market share 2. Strategy a. Penetration Strategy in the market 3. Tactic a. The use of penetration pricing in drugstores specifically E. Promotion 1. Objective a. Have Scope gain awareness about their benefits compared to their competitors b. Increase Sales 2. Strategy a. Scope uses a push strategy by working with middle men and retailers to stock their stores with their product. 3. Tactic a. Slotting fees b. Have point of purchase displays c. In-store promotions and advertisements