He used google earth to simulate the familiarity hypothesis by making an algorithmic program that basically followed route navigation. Look around, if something looks familiar, take a step forward, repeat. Gaffin had three main premises, 1. Matrixes of sensor to detect patterns. 2. The environment plenty of unique patterns. 3. You initially learn by going toward your goal. This model was based off bees, but he hypothesized that pectines would work the same because scorpions taste and touch the ground in the same algorithm. He found that his three premises were met in that there was a large enough matrix to detect patterns, there is a minimum of 8 pegs to 2 chemicals, and that there is abundant information available for navigation. A question remaining is the difference between how chemical and textural stimulus affects the scorpion. He found that using this idea, robots simulate and support his ideas. I liked the question Dr. Lee asked about how the responsible the chemoreceptors are verses the texture of the environment, and how a flood of ideas came after
He used google earth to simulate the familiarity hypothesis by making an algorithmic program that basically followed route navigation. Look around, if something looks familiar, take a step forward, repeat. Gaffin had three main premises, 1. Matrixes of sensor to detect patterns. 2. The environment plenty of unique patterns. 3. You initially learn by going toward your goal. This model was based off bees, but he hypothesized that pectines would work the same because scorpions taste and touch the ground in the same algorithm. He found that his three premises were met in that there was a large enough matrix to detect patterns, there is a minimum of 8 pegs to 2 chemicals, and that there is abundant information available for navigation. A question remaining is the difference between how chemical and textural stimulus affects the scorpion. He found that using this idea, robots simulate and support his ideas. I liked the question Dr. Lee asked about how the responsible the chemoreceptors are verses the texture of the environment, and how a flood of ideas came after