Scotland was recently found to be the best place in Europe for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) protection laws, such as equal marriage and adoption laws for those in same sex relationships. However, despite seeming like a LGBT utopia on paper, the real truth behind Scotland's LGBT community is far less perfect. The truth is, people who identify under the B part of the LGBT label aren't made to feel as welcome as their fellow sexual minorities, a fact mirrored in the LGBT community all over the world. These people are bisexuals, which means that they experience attraction to both their own gender and other genders. …show more content…
One prominent lesbian internet personality called Courtney Brooke Adams even went so far as to say "lesbians don't date bisexuals because lesbians are probably smarter in a sense that we know what we want and we go after it; that's why we're gay". This is just one example of the portrayal of bisexuals as confused people, who can't make up their minds and are indecisive. Another widespread stereotype about bisexual people is that they tend to abandon their partners for those of another gender, and they aren't loyal at all. For example, some people believe that if a bisexual woman is in a relationship with a woman, she will always realize that she actually prefers men, and so leave her partner for a man (or vice versa). An example of this line of thought is another lesbian YouTuber, who said: "If you're with a lesbian you know that they're going to be going for you, for a woman, but if you're with a bisexual there's always that chance that they might go back to a guy". This point of view is simply ridiculous. Say, for example, instead of bisexuals being attracted to more than one gender, they are instead attracted to more than one eye colour. In this circumstance it would be laughable to assume that someone attracted to more than one eye colour would automatically always leave their partner for one of another eye colour, so why is gender any different? The last, and possibly most damaging stereotype, is that bisexuals lie about their sexuality. For bisexual women, it is often thought that they are actually straight, but pretend to be attracted to women to appear more interesting or desirable to men. For bisexual men, it is often thought that they are actually secretly homosexual, but too scared to "come out properly", so all bisexual men are partially closeted homosexuals. Pano Tsaklas, a gay internet celebrity,