“Dusk over Atlantic Wharf”, which is a short story written by Susmita Bhattaccharya, revolves around an Indian girl called Lata, who got married off by her father to Anuj, a man she doesn’t even know. Her father wanted her to marry Anuj because he is from Wales. Lata would in her father’s opinion most likely have a better life living in Wales than in her native country, though, Lata do not agree with her father. She is very sad that she had to leave her family and friends, everything that has been familiar to her. Now she lives with her husband in Cardiff, a place with a culture different than her own.
Lata has moved to Cardiff with the man her parents wanted her to marry. She left India and the life she loved for a man she didn’t even love, because she didn’t know him, though, she was convinced by her mother that she would love him one day. Lata often finds herself daydreaming about the life in India since she misses it so much. She hasn’t really realized that she has left India for good. She is still living there in her head, but Anuj seems to wake her up. He interrupts her when she tells about India and her old life. Cardiff is her new home and he tries to make it clear for her, but the more he tries the harder it gets for her to accept. She feels very alone because she doesn’t know anyone else than Anuj, who is almost a stranger to her as well. In India she knew all of her neighbours and she was a fun and outgoing girl, who loved to tell jokes. Now she can be described as the weather is described in the story; The sky loomed large and grey over the chimney tops and television aerials. Lata missed the drama of colours played out in the sky. She observed it had been the same dull grey throughout the day. This quote performs like a metaphor that shows Lata’s dissatisfaction about her new existents. She still wonders how her father could say that life in Wales would be better for her. The life she had