Searching for the Best: Determinants of Chinese Adolescent Choices For Ideal Same-Sex Intimates
Cecilia Cheng Chinese University of Hong Kong
A thesis submitted to the Department of Psychology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Social Science.
April, 1992.
Ideal Same-Sex Intimate 2
Abstract To resolve the conundrum of how social desirability, gender roles, similarity or complementarity play a central role in intimate choices, the present study is concerned with the examination of ideal qualities of the same-sex intimates. The Sino-American Person Perception Scale (SAPPS), which comprises eight person perception dimensions, was adopted to measure the self- and ideal intimate-perceptions of the subjects. A total of 212 (99 females, 113 males) Lower 6 students voluntarily took part in questionnaire-filling sessions during regular lessons. The results indicated a marked difference in the average profiles of ideal intimates for the genders. Also, the perception of ideal intimate qualities was found to be susceptible to three influences, namely social demands, role demands and one's own personality, depending on the nature of the SAPPS dimension it was influencing. The implications of the findings are discussed and further research directions are proposed.
Ideal Same-Sex Intimate 3 Searching for the Best: Determinants of Chinese Adolescent Choices for Ideal Same-Sex Intimates As the saying goes, "you can know a person by the company she/he keeps". This seems to suggest the existence of a certain kind of relationship between one's bosom friend and oneself. However, people are also aware of the Chinese saying "Good influences from virtuous companions, bad influences from corrupt mates" ( , ). It is possible
that they tend to make friends with those who have pleasant, desirable attributes regardless of their