The Trimmed Lamp by O. Henry
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The Trimmed Lamp
Short Stories
A Bird of Bagdad
A Blackjack Bargainer
A C all Loan
A C haparral C hristmas
A C haparral Prince
A C omedy in Rubber
A C osmopolite in a
C afe
A Departmental C ase
A Dinner at--------*
A Double-Dyed
A Fog in Santone
A Harlem Tragedy
A Lickpenny Lover
A Little Local C olour
A Little Talk about
A Madison Square
Arabian Night
A Matter of Mean
A Midsummer Knight's
A Midsummer
A Municipal Report
A Newspaper Story
A Night in New Arabia
A Philistine in Bohemia
A Poor Rule
A Ramble in Aphasia
A Retrieved
A Ruler of Men
A Sacrifice Hit
A Service of Love
A Snapshot at the
A Strange Story
Of course there are two sides to the question. Let us look at the other. We often hear "shop-girls" spoken of. No such persons exist.
There are girls who work in shops. They make their living that way. But why turn their occupation into an adjective? Let us be fair. We do not refer to the girls who live on Fifth Avenue as
Lou and Nancy were chums. They came to the big city to find work because there was not enough to eat at their homes to go around.
Nancy was nineteen; Lou was twenty. Both were pretty, active, country girls who had no ambition to go on the stage.
The little cherub that sits up aloft guided them to a cheap and respectable boarding-house. Both found positions and became wage-earners. They remained chums. It is at the end of six months that I would beg you to step forward and be introduced to them.
Meddlesome Reader: My Lady friends, Miss Nancy and Miss Lou.
While you are shaking hands please take notice--cautiously--of their attire. Yes, cautiously; for they are as quick to resent a stare as a lady in a box at the horse show is.
Lou is a