Quality of catering. At Air Malta, Business Class passengers are offered a hot meal as well as drinks, both hot and cold. Customers who have any dietary requirements or religious preferences …show more content…
Safety. The operational safety of Air Malta fleet is paramount. Delivering a safe operation demands continuous excellence on the part of Air Malta engineering and flight operations staff, combined with an open safety culture and close attention to detail.
Air Malta is in the process of rolling out a Safety Management System, which forms part of a European Commission initiative designed to encompass all aspects of airline safety. For example, the occupational health and safety of Air Malta staff falls within the remit of SMS.
Air Malta engineering team sets high standards and ensures that all maintenance works exceed the exacting standards and procedures set by the manufacturers and regulatory authorities.
Knowledge to answer customer questions and corteousy. Among the missions of Air Malta is making passengers feel looked after and most welcome on board. Air Malta invests in providing a pleasant, dedicated service with a know-how since this is part of the airline brand image, as well as an important differentiation point. Therefore, Air Malta staff is carefully selected and trained. All departments are responsible for conveying trust and assurance among the …show more content…
Travel-related partners. In order to facilitate the process of travel planning, Air Malta works with its partners to provide accommodation, car rental, airport transfer, and travel insurance solutions for its passengers. With regard to accomodation, Air Malta partners with Booking.com. The online platform provides customers with an extensive selection of hotels based on their destination, budget, and style. Passengers can benefit from the best rates on the market and discounts that Air Malta has negotiated for them. The process is simple and secure, as Air Malta keeps all the details safe by a secure connection. With regard to car rentals, Air Malta works with two well-known companies - Europcar and Avis. Passengers can compare rates and book their car rental according to their budget and preference. Companies ensure that the rented cars are ready to be picked-up at the airport on time, so that customers could get to their destinations and start exploring new places. With regard to travel insurance, Air Malta parners with Mondial Assistance company. Air Malta Travel Insurance package