SIGNIFICANT CHANGES REFERRED TO IN PARA 4 OF THIS CIRCULAR Sr. Subject Matter No. 1. Exemption from eligibility norms for making an IPO 2. Debarment Provision under the rescinded Guidelines Exemption available to banking company, corresponding new bank and infrastructure company. Company prohibited from making an issue of securities if it had been prohibited from accessing the capital market under any order or direction passed by the Board. Provision under the ICDR Regulations Exemption removed. Eligibility norms made applicable uniformly to all types of issuers. Issuer not to make public issue or rights issue of specified securities if: (a) the issuer, any of its promoters, promoter group or directors or persons in control of the issuer are debarred from accessing the capital market by the Board; (b) if any of the promoters, directors or persons in control of the issuer was or also is a promoter, director or person in control of any other company which is debarred from accessing the capital market under any order or directions made by the Board. Provided for.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Offer for sale by listed companies OTCEI Issues and E-IPO Firm allotment in public issues Reservation on competitive basis in public issues
No provision.
Contained in Chapter XIV and Omitted. Chapter XI A. Permitted. Omitted. (a) For Indian and multilateral (a) Omitted. development financial institutions, Indian mutual funds, foreign institutional investors and scheduled banks. (b) For shareholders of the (b) For shareholders (other than
promoters) in respect of listed promoting companies in promoting companies, in case the case of a new of a new issuer and listed group company and shareholders companies, in case of an of group companies in the existing issuer. case of an existing company. Book building Book building process 75% book building route omitted. process through 75% or 100% of issue size.
Allotment/ refund