In the first video at John Smith Middle school, on Friday, April fifteenth at 12 pm, the classroom observed was in Mrs. Blue’s middle school class. This class was not as ethnically diverse; there were only Caucasian and Hispanics visible. From what was shown there were eleven boys and ten girls. In the second video at Luther High school, on Wednesday, April thirteenth at 11 am, was Mr. G’s high school class. This was a larger ethnically diverse class, with ethnicity ranging from, African American, and Hispanic. There were relatively ten boys and eight girls.…
I have really enjoyed my practicum hours, observing and learning from the counselors at West High School. Many of my observations surrounded graduation and A-G requirements. Several of the counselors were going through the transcripts of their sophomores and juniors to see if they were still on track to graduate. Then, they would call in those they needed to meet with and talk to them individually. The solution for several that I sat in with was to add a zero period class. The counselors took two days to call in all of the English classes. They went over the differences between high school graduation requirements and A-G requirements needed to enter a CSU or UC school. Then, we handed out their transcripts, went over their gpa, and…
In this paper, I chose to observe the toddler room. I picked Beau; he has brown hair with hazel eyes. He is 33 months old. He weighs 33 pounds and is 38 inches tall.…
In this paper I will discuss an observation and the developmental needs of a small group of older twos. First I will discuss the observation of Mrs. Nicole’s two-year-old classroom. Which focus on the social-emotional atmosphere and the challenging behaviors. Next I will focus on the social-emotional atmosphere, the curriculum and the proposed objectives. The objectives support the curriculum, which can be a major part of a child’s development.…
For my classroom observation, I chose to observe two classrooms with teachers I do not work with at my current job Bobbie Smith Elementary in Long Beach, CA. My area of interest is elementary, I chose to observe a Kindergarten and Second grade classroom. Although I prefer to teach a Kindergarten class and not go over the Second grade, I know that teachers never get a pick of what grades you teach sometimes. So I am glad that I am able to gain experience in each grade level.…
This object that is important to me is from my Pre-K teacher Mrs. Judy. My book is wrinkled and bent. It also has the aroma of Kindergarten every time you open the book. It is also titled Clifford the Big Red Dog Goes to School.…
In the Pre-K classroom I have been observing the past couple of weeks, I did Instrument 7.5 which is Visual Indicator and Oral Indicatior and Occurences which is how often Mrs. Valentine does something. Visual Indicators are certain things such as how many times does shes write on the board, uses overhead, points to or holds up a visual picture of something, shows a slide or film, demonstrates with model or equipment and other visual aspects. Oral indicators are providing or asking for examples, telling a illustrative story, recalls personal experience, relates a lesson to the past, poses a problem, compare and contrast something or other.…
I observed in the preschool class for two hours, there were a total of 12 children in the class Most of the kids that are in the preschool class were four years old, but there was one five year old. When I first arrived at the preschool, the kids seemed very shy towards me and they did not seem like they were very sociable. I was a stranger to them, and I would have to guess that all of the children were experiencing a little bit of stranger anxiety. I talked to the teacher about how the children reacted to all “strangers” She said that the children often become very uneasy. As I sat down to observe the children, I noticed one thing right away. The boys in the group were very wild and rambunctious, and the girls seemed to be shy and reserved. The boys tend to be more outgoing, and girls tend to be more reserved. In this class there were various stuffed animals, and I also noticed that the children that I observed had a lot of stuffed animals that they were playing with. The teacher said that she often has puppet shows and the kids love it. I noticed one child was sitting at the table having a conversation with a stuffed beaver. The two twin girls I was observing had a giant stuffed bee; one of the girls would chase after the other with it and pretend to sting them. This shows animistic thinking. This kind of thinking is the belief that inanimate objects are alive. The teacher called all the children over to have story time. The story that she read was about a leprechaun. When the teacher asked where leprechauns lived, one child replied that, “leprechauns live in the grass and run around from tree to tree, they are itsy bitsy and very hard to see.” These children believed that these creatures were real, but they just could not see them. But, the fun with the leprechauns had just begun. To test the children’s belief in the unrealistic, the teacher had the kids make little pots, and then told all of the kids that if they were good, the leprechaun would leave them…
Information processing has two areas: innate ability and acquired knowledge (Bee & Boyd, 2010). A lower IQ can compensate for acquired knowledge. People with higher IQ’s will perform better than a person with a lower IQ. This also applies to student learning. Children with a lower IQ need effective strategies for processing information. These students have to acquire a vast amount of information on any subject before they can perform as well as their peers with higher IQs.…
Officer safety, movement and use of physical space has been preached to students from semester one and it was not until this class that brought its importance to light. In this class, we are able to put everything we have learned in theory from our first semester to now in our forth semester into practical real-world scenarios. During the first round of scenario testing I observed a group that had a male and female officer they were on duty and had calls of a homeless man lingering around the ATM machine asking people for money as they were withdrawing funds. During the scenario, the officers failed to scan the area for any weapons that could be potentially dangerous to them or anyone else. I learned when they did not incorporate the interview…
“In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing. They should also know why and how.” Harry Wong is an educational speaker that tries to help teachers be able to not only educate their students, but also teach them how to comprehend and logically think. Even at Tell City Jr.-Sr. High School, there are a variety of different types of teachers; moreover, this affects the atmosphere of their classrooms. Many outsiders may see our school as boring and being the same as any old school. For the students, every single classroom has a different atmosphere that they either love or greatly dislike.…
Once again, I was placed in Mrs.Metcalfe who teaches second grade at Bens Branch Elementary. Mrs.Metcalfe took attendance while the students waited patiently on the carpet. After she took attendance, she addressed that she had taken some privileges away from the students because the students did not picked up their mess after having centers and would not follow instructions that the teacher gave. She explained that centers might return for the upcoming school year if they behaved properly. After she addressed the issues of the students, she instructed everyone to go back to their desks and waited till they put their thumbs which meant that they were ready for the lesson of the day. Mrs.Metcalfe went up to the front of the class to use the projector and expected her students to follow what she was doing on their worksheets.…
Preschool is the foundation of all later school and it is crucial to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Coming to preschool might be a big challenge for some kids, they come from a place where they are the prince or princess in other words the center of attention. Preschool on the other hand if full of many kids, some can see this as competition for attention. In this paper I will discuss four different learning center activities for a preschool class. These activates will strengthen fine motor skill, social skills and life skills. The activities that I will present are tracing, cutting, sorting and lacing. Also, the class will consist of students ranging in ages between 3-5 years old. For each activity the learning goal, the objective…
I observed Mr. Dave’s pre-k class at Montclair pre-school. I arrived at the classroom at 8:00 am to accessed the classroom as well to speak to Mr. Dave. We reviewed the day’s plan as I helped him clean up. While cleaning around the room I noticed how colorful the room was. There were: banners of letters and numbers hanging on the wall, as well as a large alphabet carpet on the floor for the kids to sit on, toys to play with and books to read. As the children arrived, they removed their belongings and placed them in the cubbies. Afterwards, they grabbed their name tags and set their lunchboxes on the lunchbox table. I played with the kids until class started at 9:00…
Middle school is significantly different from high school; the middle school I went to is small compared to Ridgeview which has far more opportunities. Ridgeview has presented itself to be stronger, more demanding, and far more open. A few things that have been demonstrated to be far more taxing are band, different classes, and the method of accomplishment.…