In the years following World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union entered upon the brink of the Cold War, which lasted from the late 1940s into the early 1950s. During this time, the United States broke into hysteria over supposed threats of communist in the country, thus brining forth the second red scare. After rising to political power, Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy was not only looked upon as an enduring symbol of the red scare brining forth the term known as McCarthyism, but was able to have a profound effect on government and society forceing people to draw loyalties until the scares eventual fall.
To begin with, in the year 1947 president Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9835 or what became known as the loyalty order to counteract the fear of soviet espionage being employed within the government.5 The order called for all federal employees to be analyses to be make certain they were faithful to the government, and take an oath of loyalty to the U.S …show more content…
It was then decided to broadcast the Army-McCarthy hearings on live TV.4 It was then when Americans watched as he attached and intimidated witness that McCarthy lost all credibility and his colleagues formally denounced his tactics.3 After his disgrace coupled with the violations against civil rights causing Americans to look to the state and federal government the red scare lost most of its power.3 Although this may have brought the worst aspects of the red scare to a closing many Americans continued to fear communism and its influence throughout the Cold War era and