Plants and animals already existed before hand which led to the secondary succession. The soil is richer than the primary succession. The effects of a natural disaster common in the Great Plains to cause secondary succession is hailstorms and droughts. Hailstorms have big balls of frozen ice that can kill the plants, but leaves the seeds behind. Droughts are when everything is dried out causing all the plants to dry out and decompose into the ground leading more plants to go. The organisms that are considered pioneer species in the Great Plains are weeds, seeds, and artemisia. The climax is that plants and grass can generate more quickly than in primary. Inhibition is holding you back from doing something like a process. Tolerance being able to have the patience and understanding if anything changes. Facilitation is trying to make something easier and increase the performance of an
Plants and animals already existed before hand which led to the secondary succession. The soil is richer than the primary succession. The effects of a natural disaster common in the Great Plains to cause secondary succession is hailstorms and droughts. Hailstorms have big balls of frozen ice that can kill the plants, but leaves the seeds behind. Droughts are when everything is dried out causing all the plants to dry out and decompose into the ground leading more plants to go. The organisms that are considered pioneer species in the Great Plains are weeds, seeds, and artemisia. The climax is that plants and grass can generate more quickly than in primary. Inhibition is holding you back from doing something like a process. Tolerance being able to have the patience and understanding if anything changes. Facilitation is trying to make something easier and increase the performance of an