In the world there are societies, for instant there are societies such Modern and Western societies. However in these society, there are secret societies in which we do not who’s part of it. Now the question is what the different secrets societies are there. For example one of secret societies that exist is the Knight Templar. In this text it is going to explain about a few secrets societies and when they came into existent, what they do and who is part of it.
The definition of illuminati is enlightenment. However it is also refer to the name of a conspirator organization. It was created on May 1776 by Bavarian Illuminati.1 This conspiratorial organization was to create a “New World Order”.1 It is basically the image of Bavarian Illuminati to rule the world. 1 Also this group was to resemble another group the name is Freemason. 1 The illuminati groups have their morale system of authority. 1 It is used throughout the order. 1 However during the modern era it was supposed to be used at the outside world. 1 Also the lower classes in the organization were deceitful and look down on them in which created disagreement inside the order. 1 This predicament was caused by Weishaupt to create the perfect individual by encouraging him or her to have more self discipline in one self. 1 The person who wanted to be in this order thought it was first important step was to know there secrets. 1 This practice was adopted by their arch-nemesis known as the Jesuits. In some cases the illuminati where presumed to be in many historical like the J.F.K assassination and 9/11.2 Researchers believe that the reason John F. Kennedy was shot is because he expose this secret organization and 9/11 was plotted well before Osama Bin Laden.2The reason why they are called a secret society is because the knowledge of who’s is part of it is very little. But many people believe that most illuminates’ are musicians such Jay-z, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, etc.3