Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
The objective of the book is to change the reader’s psychological approach to money, success, and happiness. Like there is no such thing as a really rich victim. Rich people focus on opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles. Rich people admire other rich and successful people, poor people resent rich a successful people. Rich people are good receivers, while poor people are not. Rich people are always learning and growing, while poor people think they already know. Rich people manage their money, poor people don’t. Harv explains that the surest way to stay poor is to continue acting like the poor, by complaining, not looking for opportunities, resenting the rich, not being a good receive, not continuously learning and not managing your money. Harv has great advice and these tips are essential to understand and change your thinking about money. I find the attitude differences illuminating. Yes, it makes a big difference to focus on the positive and to spend time with positive people (not pollyana or spoiled – positive). Skills, knowledge, and persistence count too you have to be able to execute, unless you have the incredible good luck to have both a huge amount of money and a trustworthy staff. As long as you keep operating with a negative, inadequate, limited financial Self-Image, you are destined to fail no matter how smart you think you are or you are, no matter what type of business you choose, no matter how hard and how long you work at your business or job, The poor are poor because of their poor self-image. In the inside of their heads, they see themselves limited, having great difficulty making money, they believe it is real hard to make money, it takes a long time, it requires lots of sacrifices, they already imagine themselves having future problems and limitations. That is what they believe. And that is exactly what they get. The rich are rich because of their rich self-image. In the