When placed in the modern context, we clearly see the initial establishment of the British colony in Northern Ireland as a racist society more aligned with the apartheid society established in South Africa. Since the implementation of …show more content…
The new Assembly in Northern Ireland classically represents institutional sectarianism in its voting process. Firstly, each party is designated into a unionist or nationalist category. When an issue is to be voted on, a majority of unionists and a majority of nationalists decision must be found separately, by sub voting, before a vote is taken on the issue at hand. This institutionalised sectarianism ensures a continuation of the tradition of division and separation, however, it has achieved peace and a dramatic improvement of the quality of life of the people living in the six counties. Furthermore, we see that the GFA disbanded the RUC and the new PSNI was bound for a ten year period to recruit 50% of new officers from the catholic …show more content…
It is built on the premise of better relations rather than community relations. In time, with ongoing interaction and at least dialogue happening between the two communities, there will hopefully be a change in the mind set of all people, that will slowly eradicate the culture of sectarianism. For the time being, it is a work in progress, however, we need to ultimately see intercultural relationships develop, such as fully integrated schools. This will provide full daily interaction and eventually develop into intra-community bonds such as individual marriages/ partnerships between members of the two main northern Irish