Are We Raising the Morally Illiterate Kids?
We are raising morally illiterate kids? I am agreed with her thesis. This is the main thing she is telling in her thesis and also she has used many persuasive techniques like alliteration, point of view, emotional language, ironic situations etc very effectively.
In today's world, most of the children are not aware of morally teachings. They are lack of them.
They don’t know how to behave with elders, with their fellow students or friends. They spend their most of time watching TV, playing video games, texting on cell phone and listening songs with head-phones. They love to be alone. They don’t have any time for helping the people who are old, helpless and with disabilities. Instead of they make fun of them. They even don’t show any respect for their parents and also for their grand-parents. They love to do what they watch on the TV. They try to accept all those things they watch, listen in their favourite shows, movies. Today's movies and TV shows don’t show and teach any moral thing or teaching in them.
Today even, parents don’t have time for their kids too. They are also busy in their work, business. They don’t have time to teach their children the moral values, behaviour. They keep themselves so busy that they almost forget about their children. If any child or teen ager has any problem and he or she wants to discuss with parents, for that parents don’t have any time to listen to or discuss that problem. Parents want to give every comfort of life to their kids and like this they make themselves so busy that they even cannot get enough time to spend with their children, to listen to them. They forget to tell them about their great moral teaching, values those play a great role to make a person's life happy. They just want them study these values but don’t teach them how to use these small things in their life. That is also a reason that children only think about themselves and they also