The aerospace industry is a sovereign, high-tech, performing industry, which is essential for the French economy as it creates prosperity for the country and aggrandizes its international reputation. France’s export success is the evidence that its products own the necessary quality and competitiveness, as more than 75 percent of its consolidated incomes are realized through exportation. This industry profile is a useful tool to help investors understand the emergence of the French aerospace industry, as it aims to analyze the evolution of the sector and the influence of different factors and developments on its existence. The French aerospace industry is divided in six different market segments: civil and military aircraft, helicopters, engines, missiles and UAVS, space and the equipment market for defense and aerospace. The report only focuses on the civil sector of the French aircraft industry since it is responsible for approximately 69% of total revenues. After this short introduction, the sector report is structured as follows: first the actual analysis of the sector, which is based on a SWOT-analysis, then the conclusions and recommendations, followed by the bibliography and appendices. The sources upon which the report is based include more general sources, such as the annual reports of Gifas (“Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales) and information from the Invest in France Agency but also more specific sources such as the Global Market Forcast developed by Airbus, news articles and publications from McKinsey Research.
2. SWOT- analysis
2.1 Strengths
2.1.1 The aerospace industry is a driver for economic growth and employment
Since 2002, total turnover of the industry has continued to increase. According to the annual report (2007-2008) of Gifas (‘Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales’) unconsolidated (civil) revenues totaled €17,7 billion in 2002, whereas in 2007 revenues were up
Bibliography: GIFAS, (2008, 9th of July). Industrie Française Aéronautique & Spatiale, rapport annuel 2007-2008. Consulted the 30th of March 2009 at: GIFAS, (2008, 2nd of April) GIFAS, (2008). French Aerospace industry 2008-2009. Consulted the 30th of march 2009 at: Airbus, (2008) Dassault Aviation (2008), Rapport annuel 2007. Consulted the 17th of March 2009 at: Invest in France Agency Trend Capital (2008, 21st of April), Weak US dollar threatens Europe aerospace industry jobs: ASD. Consulted the 10th of April 2009 at: 6 Source: Gifas, annual report (2007-2008) 6.2 Evolution of the US/Euro Foreign Exchange Rate [pic] Source: Economic research, federal reserve bank of St-Louis (2007) 6.4 Evolution of oil prices (1994-2008) [pic]