Section 1: Define the report.
The purpose of this report is to analyse religious expression in New Zealand, specifically of certain cults, sects and the Catholic Church. I have chosen The Unification Church as a cult, 7th Day Adventists for my sect and the Catholic Church.
I will investigate each religious expression, as well as compare and contrast them. Delving specifically into the Social Organisation, Religious Practice and Doctrine of each. As well as how the number of followers has changed in the past 20 years, and the possible reasons why.
Section 2: Define the terms that you will be using in the report.
Sect - A religious body that has deviated from a larger domination, following many of the larger domination’s teachings but differing on a number of key issues.
Cult - A religious group normally held together by a dominant, often charismatic individual, or by the worship of a divinity or an idol of some sort. Followers adhere to an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices that they practice in their life. A cult is separate from a religion, and nowadays is often viewed as a negative, controlling religious practice due to their ‘extreme’ beliefs.
Religion - The expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a superhuman power or powers regarded as creating or governing the universe. Any personal or institutionalised system of beliefs or practices embodying this belief or reverence.
Doctrine - A principle or body of principles taught or advocated in instruction presented for acceptance or belief. Normally originating from a sacred text such as the Bible or Koran.
Ritual - The prescribed form or order of conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony. Actions believed to have symbolic value or traditional value.
Social structure - The leadership structure that’s runs the cult/sect/religion deciding the direction of the faith and it’s beliefs. The relationship between