It is important that Christian ethically help strengthen each other through counseling and ministry. Building active durable leadership and team starts with understanding the biblical view. Leaders ought to have common leadership qualities. It starts there, because people first have to find the issues that need to be addressed. The word said "You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 11:19). Christian’s purpose is to make a difference while continuing to spread the word of God to other believers or secular humanist. The secular worldview is being about of a functioning society. Secular worldview is different from Christian’s worldview when referencing to leadership and team building. Secular believes that team builders and leadership should be built on the desire of the universe. (Mathew10:33). They believe in making decisions that are suitable for this day and age regardless of how the system worked years …show more content…
Christians must be considered accountable for their actions at all times (Romans 14:12). Being responsible is to a check and balance system to protect us from damage from ourselves as well as other people (Richard Krejcir, 1994). We do this by being interested in what we are thinking and doing as such we can get consolation and denunciation, when required. Communication skills are representing what Christians are obligated to. Along these lines, Christians need to hold to their beliefs and keep in accordance with what we trust so it doesn't occupy them from God's way. Being a Disciples of Christ and making followers requires dedication, supporting, committing to the Word, and worship. Most develop Christians would agree to these essentials, yet different things required incorporate order, the capacity to be studious, and to be responsible. Our premise and beginning stage is God's character. Dwindle lets us know "we are to be sacred in light of the fact that God is heavenly." (1 Peter 1:16), and the way Christians can react to this call is by being responsible for their own lives as devotees and as a congregation. Along these lines, Christians need to understand that one of our calls is to take an interest in conflict management so the insidiousness of this nature does not escape hand thus Christian connections