The venture capitalist steps in with his input by way of equity / private equity related tools besides other value added & need-based services such strategic organization support etc. at the stage when enough offerings are getting from the promoters. After the project settles down with cost-effective operations & normally with a potential to raise funds from predictable sources, the venture capitalist exits by vending out his share. In other words, Venture Capital Investment denotes the savings in high-risk projects eager to share in the risk of the project, with the hope of adequate returns.
Venture Capital financing in real estate schemes are typically at "Land Cost" stage, i.e., a fund devotes and join forces with developers/landlords from beginning till the end of the project. Besides the geographical spread of reserves, the finance capitalizes on both the early mover plus as well as reaps the paybacks of economies of scale in the execution/ assembly stage of its diverse investments/ projects. A VC real estate investment reduces the risk profile of real estate as a quality class by offering varied asset portfolio managed by qualified