Locking the authorization level assist in keeping the server safe. Setting wrong permissions on the files present in the server may lead to data leaking. To avoid access to outside users into the server usage of open permissions must be avoided by locking the permission levels.
Using integrity checker is very vital for secure environment. It alerts when any changes are made in the information by the hackers. Without an integrity checker it may go unnoticed and finally leading to disaster loosing the original contents of the files.
Changing the password regularly is an important practice to keep the information secure. If passwords such as e-mail passwords, software admin passwords and control panel password are not changed for a longer time or using the same password for multiple items the chances are high for a hacker to capture the data.
The server logs such as traffic logs, file integrity checker logs and access logs must be reviewed periodically as it helps in monitoring any attempts of hacking so that necessary steps can be taken to permanently block the hackers and thereby keeping the server secure.
It is important to perform backups on the server on regular intervals to avoid difficulties in situation such as server failure due to hardware of software failure. By performing regular backups, server integrity can be maintained.
Usage of Firewall and Proxy helps in protecting the computer network and increases the security by blocking unauthorized users to access and therefore which in turn maintains the business continuity.
It is done to effectively mitigate a wide range of