Vol. 3, No. 10, 2012
Secured Wireless Communication using Fuzzy Logic based High Speed Public-Key Cryptography
Arindam Sarkar
J. K. Mandal
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Kalyani
Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Kalyani
Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West Bengal, India.
Abstract— In this paper secured wireless communication using fuzzy logic based high speed public-key cryptography
(FLHSPKC) has been proposed by satisfying the major issues likes computational safety, power management and restricted usage of memory in wireless communication. Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) has several major constraints likes’ inadequate source of energy, restricted computational potentiality and limited memory. Though conventional Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) which is a sort of public-key cryptography used in wireless communication provides equivalent level of security like other existing public–key algorithm using smaller parameters than other but this traditional ECC does not take care of all these major limitations in WSN. In conventional ECC consider Elliptic curve point p, an arbitrary integer k and modulus m, ECC carry out scalar multiplication kP mod m, which takes about 80% of key computation time on WSN. In this paper proposed FLHSPKC scheme provides some novel strategy including novel soft computing based strategy to speed up scalar multiplication in conventional ECC and which in turn takes shorter computational time and also satisfies power consumption restraint, limited usage of memory without hampering the security level. Performance analysis of the different strategies under FLHSPKC scheme and comparison study with existing conventional ECC methods has been done.
Keywords- Soft computing; Wireless Communication; High Speed;
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