Whalen and Gates (2010), define monitoring differently in their article. They define it as a method and procedure of examining the workers in an organization and study their constant events intended to guarantee that together the protection of employees and requirements of the employer are met. Nearly all companies nowadays take videos of their employees, they read their emails and monitor their Web surfing. This can be done surreptitiously and some organizations are honest about it Chan et al. (2005).
Privacy is one of the most important things that are immensely fitting to be something of the past. In general companies are permitted to observe employee activities by the courts. Private companies have been setting rules in situations when employees are taken into service for instance contracts that affirm that they will be monitoring employees’ use of the Internet or any company tools (Chieh and Kleiner, 2003). Efforts have been made in arrangement for laws that protect business and the employees, regrettably most current court cases have been deceiving evidence in the eyes of the magistrates thus confidentiality or privacy laws have been unsuccessful for employees.
It has been recommended that government, big firms and industries and health care systems should have the capability to tape and study workers activities as it is a benefit to research and development for several years. Most legislation is the same opinion that laws should be set in place even though the breach of human rights forbid them from approaching the issue to a law level (Welebir and Kleiner, 2005). Sadly, comprehensible defenses of privacy opposed to security may never be evident from the view point of the law. Employers’ main apprehension is the decrease in productivity, virus attacks/ damaged equipment (i.e. computers), legal charges and loss of classifies data. Employees’ major worry is incursion of their privacy, mistreatment of control and precision in their work.
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