Security Implementation Plan – Aegis Technologies Group
Donald Hanlin
12 August 2012
Table of Contents Project Outline 4 Company Description: 4 Recognized Benefits: 4 Information Security Coverage 6 Risk Management: 6 Human Resources Security: 7 Physical Security: 8 Environmental Security: 8 Mobile Security: 9 Security Assessment 10 Risk Assessment: 10 1. Denial of Service Attacks 10 2. Phishing 10 3. Spoofing 11 4. Virus 11 5. Worm 12 Intrusion Detection and Prevention: 12 Access Control 14 Requirements: 14 1. Access Levels: 14 2. Access Groups: 14 Security Mechanisms: 15 1. Physical Security Mechanisms: 15 2. System …show more content…
It checks for connection speed and static on the line to ascertain the best route for the packet to take to reach its destination. Acting as a gateway between networks, routers make sure that data is delivered to its proper destination. The second purpose of a router is to ensure that data does not go where it is not permitted. By acting as a virtual network traffic cop, routers keep data and specifically large files from being distributed to all machines on a network, which could potentially cripple the network (Hill, …show more content…
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