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Research article
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Investigating the sedimentation pattern at Ghazi barrage reservoir and impact of 2010 flood upon it
Ishtiaq Hussain1, Abdul Razzaq Ghumman2, Hashim Nisar3
A student of PhD in Civil Engineering at University of Engineering and Technology Taxila Pakistan and working in Water Sector of Water and Power Development Authority Pakistan as Additional Director
(Geotech) in the office of General Manger & Project Director Tarbela Dam Project-Tarbela Pakistan
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
DOI: 10.6088/ijaser.030300014
Abstract: Ghazi Barotha Hydro Power Project is a run of river project meant for generation of 1450 MW electricity. It is Pakistan’s second biggest power generating project of vital importance. Ghazi Barrage, one of the key components of the project and situated just downstream of Tarbela Dam project, diverts the
Tarbela releases towards 52 KM long Power Channel, another key component, which in turn conveys it to village Barotha for power generation through Power House, the final key component of the project. Two factors which necessitated this study were heavy sediment accumulation in Tarbela dam thereby increasing the sediment inflow into the Ghazi Pond and the devastating flood of 2010 which brought huge sediments from the area upstream of Tarbela. It was important to find out what was happening to the Ghazi pond and changes it had undergone since its operation in 2005. The strategy of this study was to find out incoming and outgoing sediment load from the available data thereby evaluating load retained in the pond along-with
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