Workshop 1 09/10/2014
Hypothesis: Electric energy can speed up the growth rate of plants. The access of an electric current can modifies the physic-chemical properties of the seed. It can charge the mitochondria, and intensifies other metabolic processes of the seed. This can achieve the purpose of sterilization, and enhanced the ability of absorbing water and oxygen.
Prediction: The seeds that have been energized will sprout early than the control, and the growth rate should presents an index growth compare to the control.
Experiment Methods and Measurements:
18 Seeds, 2 wires, 2 Batteries, 2 Plastic Zip-Lock Bags, 2 Paper Towels, Enough Water to Get Paper Towels Moistened.
Experiment Methods:
1. Fold the paper towels in fitted size to the plastic bag, then soak paper towels completely. (ONLY A FEW OR NO WATER DROP)
2. Put 7 seeds on each paper towel, then put each towel in each plastic bag.
3. Bury on side of wires under/in one paper towel, and use batteries to electrify seeds as experimental group.
4. Put two groups under same room/lab condition to start observation. (KEEP THE PAPER TOWEL MOISTENED DURING THE EXPERIMT.)
After the record date for the seeds to germinate, measure the length of the growing every day.
Results:The copper in the wire reacted with water became cupric sulfate, which is poisonous. This caused the experimental group’s seeds, which have been energized didn’t grow. Some of those seeds turn dark gradually instead of sprout.
Control Group Average Length (Each/Day)
Experimental Group Average Length (Each/Day)
Conclusions: The experiment data didn't support my hypothesis, because the method is not mature. The growth rate of those seeds, which get energized didn't go faster than the seed grows in normal condition. If I do another experiment, I will still try to work on this hypothesis, but get the seed access of an electric current in a different way.