The concept of the marginal individual, created by Stonequist (1937), denotes an individual's incapability to practice double cultural assimilation since they have bilateral association (Sue & Sue, 1977).
America has exercised a method of ethnic discrimination; consequently, its straightforward demonstration is a strong acceptance in the control of accomplishments, fine arts, skills, linguistics, and Anglo-Saxon beliefs (Sue & Sue, 1977).
In addition, America has a conviction in the subordination of diverse racial accomplishments,
and efforts to enforce the preferred values, principles, and methods of performing from the prevailing to the marginal group (Sue & Sue, 1977).
Therefore, marginalized groups are put under strain to accept the customs of the predominant nation, and their own culture or ethnic culture is perceived as a barrier to be defeated, hence their culture is to be humiliated and evaded (Sue & Sue, 1977).