Most kids, even the black ones chose the white doll over the doll of color (Mays, Johnson, Coles, Gellene, Cochran 13). Racism has been implemented since they are kids, leading the kids of color to develop hate within themselves due to the discrimination by whites in America (Mays, Johnson, Coles, Gellene, Cochran 13). Segregation and racism are two different theories sharing the same negative values towards race. But, as time passed, African-Americans are not the only ones that suffer from this problem anymore. Immigrants from different countries have become the new victims for racists in the nation. Back in the early years, the Republican Party used to defend the rights of African-Americans, but in the modern world, Democrats have become a more liberal party for the country’s benefits (O’Leary). In the election year of 2016, the republican nominee and now the president-elect Donald Trump influenced his campaign by using the approaches of "racism isolation" that persuaded his voters the idea to isolate from the African-Americans once again …show more content…
Trump have the feeling of loathing towards the immigrants because he blames Mexico from "sending criminals and rapists" to the country, meaning Mr. Trump have prejudiced the whole Hispanic community as being a bad influence for the country (Corasaniti). He also plans on denying the citizenship of the newborns of any immigrant family (Corasaniti). The free America is being destroyed by denying people the rights to live a better life in the land of the