males. A fight started between the white youths and the larger group of black youths and eventually the black youths forced the gang of white youths except for Orville Gilley, off of the train. The remaining youths that were forced off of the train went to the stationmaster that was in Stevenson, AL to report the assault committed by the gang of black youths and the train was stopped in Paint Rock, AL. Dozens of armed men was waiting on the train and arrested every black person on the train. The nine captured blacks were tied together with a plow line, put on a pick-up truck and taken to a jail in Scottsboro, AL.
males. A fight started between the white youths and the larger group of black youths and eventually the black youths forced the gang of white youths except for Orville Gilley, off of the train. The remaining youths that were forced off of the train went to the stationmaster that was in Stevenson, AL to report the assault committed by the gang of black youths and the train was stopped in Paint Rock, AL. Dozens of armed men was waiting on the train and arrested every black person on the train. The nine captured blacks were tied together with a plow line, put on a pick-up truck and taken to a jail in Scottsboro, AL.