Every day, every news channel I feel like I see a tragedy. “The world can be a nasty place.” is the opening line of the song and it reflects mostly everything that is seen in this country/news. A suicide, mass shooting, terrorist attack, etc. it's what our generation is used to seeing. With all the violence in the United States, it's going to get us nowhere. A lyric in the song says, “ and no war in anger was ever one." showing that any angry violence that happens is never for a good reason, and it doesn't help with the problem the violence started from in the first place. If we did kind and peaceful actions toward the problem we want to resolve, we would move at such a greater pace. This song also references the Internet and social media, in the role it plays. Social media can be one of the most deadly weapons in this country. People think they are so big on the other side of that computer screen and what they might not know is that they could be killing somebody physically and emotionally. In the song it says, “ Your lies are bullets, Your mouth's a gun.” I find this line so powerful. It's so realistic, people's words that are typed in those 140 characters or that are posted on that picture can be like bullets and that send button is the gun. The figures we see on social media fighting with one another for such a small predicament, is sickening. We even have presidential nominees fighting with each other on …show more content…
I'm a very open-minded person and I would never deliberately go out of my way to hurt someone especially if it's on social media. It's disgusting to me what this world has come to with the violence and the judging; it just doesn't make sense to me. This song represents the open-mindedness you need to have, everyone needs to stop being awful to one another. “Kill ‘em with kindness” embodies my believes and turns them into a social movement.I also consider myself a very logical and realistic thinker. I have always had a hard time with understanding why everyone cannot just be nice to each other or be the bigger person and start this kindness movement. Ever since I can remember I've always seen all this crisis in the United States and how easily some of it could be fixed if we were all just nice to each other. You can tell that i’m open-minded, logical, and ambitious from me listening to this song and demonstrating my interpretation behind it. This song is really my anthem, I might be shy on the outside but, like this song I have a strong opinion towards all the violence and the hate that is constantly here and the United