, I still recall being 3, begging my mother to put on her Dixie Chicks CDs in the car, just so I could sing along to “Cowboy Take me Away”. From an early age on, I understood how incredibly connected I was with music. As the years went on though, I became more and more afraid to sing in front of people, and would only express myself musically, in the privacy of my bedroom. Resulting from chronic bullying at school, I lost all confidence within myself. As a result, I quit singing, as well as all of my other activities completely for years. As humans, we often underestimate the trauma words can inflict on someone else. Thankfully, I was able to recover from this short-lived depression and began taking guitar lessons at the age of fifteen. Once again, I could feel the joy that music had brang me. Now a days, you can always find me strumming my guitar, and belting out emotional lyrics, into the cheap, silver recording mic, I got for christmas. All in all, Music gave me the ability to express my pent up emotions, and connect with other people on a deep level. It also marked an important life event. Picking myself up from the mud and choosing to live by playing that guitar, showed me that no matter what life throws at you, you can always choose to carry on and be happy. It honestly got me through the lowest point in my life. Music has truly saved me, raised my self-esteem, and become a legitimate part of my
, I still recall being 3, begging my mother to put on her Dixie Chicks CDs in the car, just so I could sing along to “Cowboy Take me Away”. From an early age on, I understood how incredibly connected I was with music. As the years went on though, I became more and more afraid to sing in front of people, and would only express myself musically, in the privacy of my bedroom. Resulting from chronic bullying at school, I lost all confidence within myself. As a result, I quit singing, as well as all of my other activities completely for years. As humans, we often underestimate the trauma words can inflict on someone else. Thankfully, I was able to recover from this short-lived depression and began taking guitar lessons at the age of fifteen. Once again, I could feel the joy that music had brang me. Now a days, you can always find me strumming my guitar, and belting out emotional lyrics, into the cheap, silver recording mic, I got for christmas. All in all, Music gave me the ability to express my pent up emotions, and connect with other people on a deep level. It also marked an important life event. Picking myself up from the mud and choosing to live by playing that guitar, showed me that no matter what life throws at you, you can always choose to carry on and be happy. It honestly got me through the lowest point in my life. Music has truly saved me, raised my self-esteem, and become a legitimate part of my