Self-Awareness is the understanding of your own personality, behaviours, habits, emotional reactions, motivations and thought processes. Having this self-knowledge helps you to highlight your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes feelings about certain topics and wants within relationships and careers as stated by Self Creation (2012). Self-awareness is important within the childcare setting as it makes the child care practitioner more aware of personal limitations. When this is present it can avoid a child pushing past your limits and you will be more likely to achieve your fullest potential in the caring profession if you can determine these limits. Young (1999) claims that knowing yourself awareness and asking for help when it is needed is a sign of strength not weakness and in these cases this is why strong teamwork is needed. Childcare workers need to be aware of prejudices, stereotyping and past experiences and need to prevent these from influencing and affecting their interactions with children and co-worker.
Tassoni, Beith, Bulman & Eldridge (2007) defines Interpersonal Skills as the way in which you communicate and respond to other people. Tassoni (2007) states interpersonal skills are vital when working with children as working with them is about relationships that work and effective communication. Children need to feel safe and secure the child will be more inclined to feel this if you have good interpersonal skills. Good interpersonal skills are important also to make sure