Self-Care Management Plan for Hypertensive Teachers
Self-Care Management Plan for Hypertensive Teachers Key Areas | Recommendation | Evidence | Strategies | Detection/Diagnosis | Nurses will take every appropriate opportunity to assess blood pressure of teachers in aides to facilitate every detection of hypertension.Nurses will utilize correct technique, and appropriate use of cuff size properly maintained calibrated equipment when assessing BPNurses will be knowledgeable regarding the process involved in the diagnosis of HPN | Category Systolic DiastolicOptimal <120 <80 Normal <130 <85High Normal 130-139 85-89Grade I (Mild) 140-159 – 90-99Borderline 140-149 90-94Grade 2 (Moderate)Grade 3(Severe) > 180 >110Isolated >140 <90 | * Seated comfortably for 5 minutes * Arm should be supported at heart level and cuffNeither the client nor the observer should talk during measurement | Healthy Weight | * Nurses will assess client’s weight body mass index and waist circumference. * Nurses will advocate that clients with a BMI greater than or equal to 25 and a waist circumference over 102 (men) 55 cm(women) consider weight reduction activities. | Body Mass Index is calculated as follows:Weight in kilogram divided by height in meters squared or BMI=Weight(kg)kl (m)2Waist circumference should be measured at the point of the torso located midway between the lowest rib and the iliac crest. | Weight reduction by calories is appropriate for the majority of hypertensive clients because many are overweight. Weight has goal is a total of 20 pound allowing 5 months for the eight loss is realistic, sensible and safe, weight has strategies should include a multisupplimentary approach including dietary education, increased physical activity and behavior modification. |
Self-Care Management Plan for Hypertensive Teachers Key Areas | Recommendation | Evidence | Strategies | Diet | Nurses will assess for and educate clients about