The two elderly sisters and their niece Mary Jane, who lives with them in Usher’s Island, are waiting for the arrival of Gabriel and Gretta. At the little pantry is Lily, the caretaker’s daughter, who helps the guest with their overcoats. It was long after ten o’clock when the hall-door …show more content…
Throughout most of the story it is clear that Gabriel is trapped in his own self-consciousness and suffering from a delusion of his owns self. At the beginning he is characterized by his arrogance and superior manners. However, all along the story, he is involved in different incidents that make him understand himself. The very first incident with Lily and the assault of Mrs. Ivors during the dance, contribute to Gabriel’s process of self-knowledge. Finally, he believes he is the one true love in Gretta's life and the realization of her first lover brings truth about him. He is shocked, disappointed and through this suffering, he is able to know who he is. The external factors and characters led him to his self-realization; he looks in the mirror and he sees: “a ludicrous figure, acting as a penny-boy for his aunts, a nervous, well-meaning sentimentalist, orating to vulgarians and idealizing his own clownish