The approaches should be selected from those introduced in module 5
Name: Zoe Foster
Date: 5th November 2014
Course: SOUTH2S14
Module #: 5
Tutor Name: Anni Richardson
Expected Word Count: 2500
Actual Word Count: 2616
During this paper I will look at what self-defeating behaviour (SBD) is. Look at classes of SBD and potential options for treatment using the TIME and HINDSITE models. I will look into some of the additional considerations that a counsellor may want to keep in mind when treating someone for an SBD as well as the broader implications for providing patient care.
Self-Defeating Behaviour
This maladaptive behaviour is also …show more content…
Using HINDSITE without considering a multimodal approach or originating issue seems unrealistic. Similarly, using TIME without considering the clients honesty or empowerment also seemed unrealistic.
Additionally, the subject matter is not an end to end process but more a cycle. Recognising a first time fix may not often happen, I’ve merged the models into one cyclical model (below). The model considers that there may need to be re-assessment at any time given a change of information, model, tool and level of success. It is not meant to signify a constant cycle of solution/resolution, but rather recognise the journey.
Figure 1: HINDSITE and TIME Models from Chrysalis Courses. Z Foster’s interpretation.
Within each of the sections, the counsellor needs to make a choice appropriate to the client. Maybe starting with CCT to support open conversation; understand client goals, history, values, beliefs, rationale for change and so forth. Equally, psychoanalysis may be used if the issue clearly has roots in the development. Perhaps a Thought Record to identify patterns of behaviour ready for the next discussion. However, an easily bored client may need such exploration done during a counselling session as recording issues may feel back facing and counterproductive. Modality may be key; they may like to draw a picture instead of writing a