One of the effective ways to minimize the poor communication among each other consists of the capability of self-disclosure. The self-disclosure theory is a tenacity revelation of particular info to other individual (Howard, 2011). Disclosure might consist of allocation both high-risk and low-risk info as well as individual involvements thoughts and assertiveness, approaches and principles, historical realities and life stories, and even forthcoming expectations, visions, goals, and aims. In sharing data about yourself, you make decisions about what to share and using whom to share it.…
Based off of the knowledge I have gained while participating in Interpersonal Communications course, I have a few key points for communication that will help strengthen and develop your new and blooming relationship. One of the keys to a happy and successful marriage is in fact communication. Do not let the act of talking blind you from the roots of true communication. There is a definite difference between speaking to one another, and communicating with one another, and that line is drawn between quantity of communication and quality of communication.…
The relationships we build when we share information makes a connection with the speaker and the listener. Theses relationships often can turn personal rather than professional. There is an art to sharing and being aware of what we share and how we say it. In disclosing information I learned that is also has to be done with interest in the others feelings and an interest in what the others will disclose(Stewart,2012)…
It is not uncommon for people to say that relationships are based upon trust. Although love alone plays a major role in a successful relationship, obstacles found within trust boundaries are often tested and played out. It is equally important to express your self-disclosure as it is to receive your partners. Communication can either make or break a relationship depending on how far one is willing to trust the other. After reading “Can We Talk? Researcher Talks About the Role of Communications in Happy Marriages” and reviewing on my own personal relationship status, I am in conclusion that good communication between interpersonal relations are key to a successful relationship/marriage.…
Self-disclosure refers to communication in which one person reveals his or her honest thoughts and feelings to another person with the expectations that truly open communication will follow.…
It is no secret that men and women have marriage problems. A big source of that happens to be communication issues. Men tend to not be interested in what the women wants to talk about. Same goes with women, they may not be as interested in male conversations or men do not give as much detail as the women would like. That is why many are attending marriage counseling.…
There are five issues that jumped out at me pertaining to interpersonal communication which vary from identifying barriers to effective interpersonal interaction, developing strategies for active, critical, and empathetic listening, to understanding the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communication, evaluating appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships, and recognizing how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception. The key to a healthy, interactive, and interpersonal relationship is communication. The cornerstone of your relationship will be your communication and if it is strong it will last forever but if it’s weak, overtime it will begin to degrade and slowly fall apart possibly ruining your marriage.…
The article by Schoenberg “Can we talk? Researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages” have some good points. Even though people are too busy to communicate and think things will be fine, communication is important in a marriage because not communicating in your marriage could lead to a divorce and could lead towards other marital problems.…
Many couples think that the little problems aren’t worth being talked about, but these little problems can escalate to full-blown conflicts if not resolved by communication. This would in turn lead to feelings of resentment for one another. Continued lack of communication will cause these feelings of resentment to worsen which could eventually lead to divorce.…
Looking at this paper I would have to say yes that self-disclosure is important and directly related to satisfaction in relationships. The reasoning been is that without a self-disclosure in a relationship then it the relationship itself would be in jeopardy out of the gate. A relationship…
Effective communication is definitely important in a relationship. If you are not communicating effectively what exactly are you and your spouse or significant other talking about ? I found that self-disclosure is important because knowing personal and private things about your spouse makes you feel closer. For example my fiancé disclosed some sensitive information that I can’t discuss in this paper. But knowing this about her made me feel connected in a sense. Not to mention that it allowed me to have better problem solving skills when she has an issue or emotional breakdown. When this happens I know what to do and how to react.…
We have spent seven months together. We have spent more of our college lives together than not. She was there throughout both of my fast food jobs. We have been to many places and done many things, which gave us plenty of time to discuss an array of things. She knows almost all of my hidden section of the Johari, and she looks into the unknown. I will go to any depth and cover any breadth of topics with her. I feel comfortable, because I know I can self-disclose anything to her and she will still see me as competent and autonomous. She improves my self-concept, because when I engage in positive behavior, she applauds me, and when I engage in negative behavior, she doesn’t hesitate to step in and stop me. With her reaction to my behavior and my adjustments, I feel that she and I partake in plenty of reflected appraisal. To go into detail, we both know each other’s favorite TV shows, music style, preferences on what to spend money on, and how we spend our weekends (especially since a lot of them are with each other!). And more into the hidden section of the Johari, we know each other’s secrets, embarrassments, failures, and accomplishments, that we are unwilling to show anyone else. This leads me to another conclusion that revealing more of the hidden Johari window and self-disclosing more intimate information will lead to much stronger trust and affection.…
As I read the article “Can we talk?” I feel as if the research that the author was talking about was true. Communication in a marriage is vital and it has to happen, if it doesn’t then the relationship cannot move forward. I can relate to this article, in my marriage it is not always good or even great. Marriage’s are constantly changing and needs to be worked on every day. I know in my marriage I have to have open lines of communication or things may not go so well. My wife and I sometimes have communication problems and it becomes an all out war between us. My marriage works better when we have communication, when there isn’t as much it seems as if we are two different people. I believe in what this article is saying, because of what the author is saying she researched. "In the (research) literature, as well as for my couples, communication means you're sharing and really getting to know one another"(Nara Schoenberg Chicago Tribune). I feel that when my wife and I speak to each other we can have a smoother life. The author also says to consider speaking together for 10 minutes and have a solid conversation with your spouse or partner. The author also states that the conversation should be about "self-disclosure," or sharing your private feelings, fears, doubts and perceptions with your partner” (Nara Schoenberg…
Self-disclosure is a key concept of interpersonal communication because, if reciprocated, it fosters trust and brings people closer together. Disclosing information about yourself to another person helps her to understand you, as it means revealing private, sensitive or confidential information. According to Oregon State University, disclosure tends to be reciprocal; with increased intimacy, people feel more comfortable disclosing information that others might perceive as negative.…