Siti Sarawati,
University Teknologi Malaysia
This paper is a critical discussion about the self-esteem of workers from the perspective of emotional intelligence through the psychoticism personality of leader in the workplace. Discussions are encircling the definition of self-esteem, emotional intelligence and psychoticism trait; impact; challenges and outlooks. In this new millennium, world is increasingly emphasized the development of human capital as a means of human resources in society, religion, race and nation. In fact, the development of human capital should be in line in the physical and material development of the country which is the rapid development is time to time. In the same tone, all employees in a workplace or organization are an entity of human resources should be an ideal capacity of human capital in terms of emotional intelligence in order to produce the quality of output. In short, the leader in the workplace should have a stable emotional intelligence for a good personality trait that can help create a fun work environment, thus increasing the level of employee self-esteem and motivation. However, if the leader was characterized by negative psychoticism trait, it was not only affects the emotion themselves, but also the emotional impact of workers and will be damage the quality of work. Obviously with this situation, the self-esteem among employees is to achieve their optimum level and thus can help achieve the percentage of success in realizing the vision and mission of the organization in particular and the country 's vision in general. The end of this paper will demonstrate the need for all leaders to have the emotional intelligence that is based on the strength of the ideal affective and personality as a catalytic force to help enhance employee self-esteem at the workplace.
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