Self-Esteem is the way we view ourselves, and the acceptance of our own worth. It is the reason we compare each other, and try to be better than others. We judge every little action we do and thought counts. Self-Esteem is linked to the feelings of pride and discouragement. Self-consciousness is associated with self-esteem as self-consciousness is a sense of awareness. Self-confidence is a feeling of personal capacity and self-respect, which is a feeling of personal worth, and adds up to create self-esteem. Self-esteem is important as it can progress ones life such as academic achievement as one feels better about them selves so they feel better about what they are doing. Self-worth, self-regard, self-respect and self-integrity are all forms of self-esteem. Self-esteem is considered the trait we call motivation, there are two types of self-esteem the need for respect from others and the respect held within ourselves.
Respect from others gives us feelings of being recognized, accepted and appreciated.
Self-esteem is linked to the reason we set high standards for are self as we try to become accepted in our own social groups. Self-esteem reduces anxiety from life and death situations. Self-esteem is important as it is the concern of ourselves, and our value. Self-esteem is responsible for the way we act and how we act towards each other. It plays a role in the way we think, feel, decide and act. Humans have a need for esteem as esteem for self-love, self-confidence, skill aptitude and respect received from other people. Many problems people occur comes from within as they may consider themselves to be unworthy or non-valuable. “Every human being, with no exception, for the mere fact to be it, is worthy of unconditional respect of everybody else; he deserves to esteem himself and to be esteemed.[15]” José-Vicente Bonet. Sé amigo de ti mismo: manual de autoestima. 1997. Ed. Sal Terrae. Maliaño (Cantabria, España). ISBN
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