Comp 110 N19
Self Introduction and Goals This class seems to be intense and straight to the point. This is what I need in English because writing is one of my weaknesses. I want to broaden my vocabulary and make sure my spelling is correct, for the most part. I am a singer and one of my goals is to be able to write my own music—maybe I can accomplish that in this class. As you can probably see, my focus and organization is all over the place. I can use a lot of work on organization and focus skills. It takes me awhile to start an essay or paper; I hope that with a lot more practice I can be a competent writer. I want to be able to master that art of writing a thesis statement; I have a feeling that we are going to be doing a lot of thesis statements. I need to eliminate my crap words and just get to the point of whatever I am talking about. I like the textbook that we are learning from and I am excited to see where I will be when this course is finished. I have a lot of soul searching to do in the next fifteen weeks. A lot of events have happened in the past two weeks that have changed my life and I am looking for outlets to express my feelings; writing is going to be one of them. I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago and I totaled my car. I am never going to have a car again but that’s not that important. The accident was really bad and I am really lucky that I am alive. I was in a little Jetta and the other car was a Ford Explorer. I am a sponge and I want to learn new things all the time and this class I will learn a great deal of information. I really enjoy reading and the textbook is a good book for me to