I think it does not require any proof of the claim that we learn throughout our lives, that the educational process is not limited to school or higher education institution. At work, in interpersonal communication, we continue to receive information, to deal with new life and professional situations that require us to new knowledge and skills. Thus, to achieve success in everyday work and home pushes man to search for effective models and approaches in teaching, life-long.
It has long been noted that different people have the same information, assimilate, and then reproduce in different ways. That is, individual ways of thinking associated with different styles and models of education, which are different approaches in the selection of methods of education. In an ideal situation, each student has its own individual style of learning that takes into account the mental ability, capacity of the environment, culture and other parameters. In general, the learning style - a set of unique techniques, methods, methods of teaching and learning, the approach to the organization of the mechanisms of assimilation, acquisition, storage and evocation of memory information.
In 2004, a team of researchers of the University of Newcastle (University of Newcastle), London, under the direction of Coffield study was conducted of existing theories of learning styles. They were allocated 71 learning styles theory, developed in the early 20th century to the present time. In each of them isolated from 3 to 20 different types of learning, which correspond to a specific set of the most effective methods of learning (Coffield, 2004).
In this assignment I will clarify and identify my learning styles according to my results of tests. I will use two tests of Honey and Mumford and VARK to know my learning style, strengths and weaknesses in learning styles. As well I will try to find solutions for my weaknesses and