There are a few values I have in my life. I believe if I work hard I will be able to achieve what I want in life. There is nothing impossible if I tried my best. I am very determined and motivated towards my goals in life, I want to make my everyday the fullest.
I believe that everyone should have expectations of themselves and to work towards achieving their personal goals in life. It is important to always keep in mind that I will never push my beliefs to my clients, even though I hold on to my beliefs strongly. Clients should express their expectations of the session, their needs, how they want to see the structure of sessions, if they find their session beneficial. That would be the expectations I would have from my client. When both me and the client are clear of the expectations, being aware would allow me to change the structure of the session, to make necessary changes to try alternative approach. I will not be empathetic towards my client if I were to hold strong to my beliefs. The change will happen if the client wants to make the change.
One of the qualities to be an effective counselor is the ability to listen to others objectively and be non-judgmental. Through the counseling course, I have learned that I am judgmental and stereotype. Non-judgmental means I will need to make constant conscious effort not to be critical of other’s actions and thoughts. If I were to remain open-minded to new ideas and theories, I will be able to reserve my judgment. I know to do this is not easy, but one can strive for and put into practice as diligently as possible.
As a counselor,